Every time you swipe your credit card for a purchase, you automatically get some reward points in your account. These reward points can later be redeemed for gift vouchers, used as air miles against your purchase of air tickets and a lot more. If used carefully, there are several ways to put your credit card to best use.
How to Earn More Credit Card Rewards
- Harness the Rewards of Co-Branded Card: Credit card companies tie up with several brands, airlines, petrol pump or stores and launch their co-branded credit cards. These cards could be your answer to how to earn credit card points fast. The reward points on these co-branded cards are 5-10 times more than the normal credit card. For example, Axis Bank Vistara Card gives you access to a hoard of facilities related to travelling within India and abroad in addition to reward points.
- Pay Your Bills with Credit Card for Rewards: Use your credit card to pay utility bills such as electricity and phone. For instance, HDFC bank has Smart Pay option to help you pay utility bills with a credit card. They also offer 5% cash back for initial 6 months of registration and reward points on payments. Even a day to day activity like paying for your cab rides can earn you money. Standard Chartered Platinum credit card, for instance, gives you 20% cash back on Uber rides. It could perhaps be the best way to earn credit card points without spending money.
- Identify Your Card Variant: Usually, your reward points depend on your card variant. An entry level basic card will earn you about one or two points for every Rs.100 to Rs.250 that you spend. At the same time, the premium cards can fetch much higher reward points for every rupee spent. So, if you happen to own a premium card, use that for high-value purchases.
- Know Where to Use Your Card: Getting to know how to make the most of your credit card will perhaps fetch you the best rewards. Credit card companies come up with monthly offers with a list of stores they have tied up with. You can shop there exclusively to get the extra reward points on your spending. Go through your credit cards offerings of the month to buy credit card points fast.
- Plan Your Shopping During Special Days: Card companies offer special bonus points and higher reward points during festivals and other special days like Valentine’s Day. So, planning your big purchases around these times would be the best way to earn credit card points.
- Compare the Extra Bonus: Whenever you plan to buy a new credit card, compare the welcome bonus points being offered. Most of the banks offer a welcome bonus of few hundred points as an incentive to buy. Also, your purchases in your birthday month can attract extra reward points.
These reward points come with an expiry date. So, be careful to redeem them in time. To earn more credit card reward points, you need to spend smart rather than spend more. One such option is the credit card from MoneyTap that comes along with its line of credit. In addition to the flexible nature of a personal line of credit, you are awarded a point for every 100 Rupee you spend on your card purchases including utility bills. All your fuel purchases between 500 and 4000 Rupees, using MoneyTap card get a fuel surcharge waiver. Also, if your annual purchases are more than 1.2 lacs, you get an extra 4000 reward points! Like a conventional credit card, you can use these points later to shop for attractive gifts and rewards. MoneyTap also offers some exciting mid-week deals.
Get to know more about some of the unique rewards credit cards offer nowadays here.